We are aware this section is incomplete. If you are an AUDIAS alumni and you are still not in this section, send us an e-mail to audias@uam.es.
(In alphabetical order)
Diego de Benito Gorrón

Diego de Benito Gorrón obtained the Telecommunication Engineering Degree in 2017 and the ICT Research and Innovation Master’s Degree in 2018. He is currently pursuing his PhD Thesis on Acoustic Event Detection and Automatic Speech Recognition under the supervisión of Doroteo Torre.
Javier Franco Pedroso

Javier Franco Pedroso was with AUDIAS for more than 10 years, perfroming research and development projects related to diverse applications of speech technologies such as speaker and language recognition, speaker diarization and audio segmentation. In this period, he also finished his PhD degree in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering (UAM). After a one year period as a postdoctoral researcher, he got an Assistant Professor position at UAM, where he taught practical lectures of Audio Processing and Speech Technologies. In this last period at UAM, his research activities were focused on the application of machine learning to the evaluation of forensic trace evidence, and to financial time series analysis and synthesis. In 2018, he moved to Samsung Spain R&D (SSR) to join the team working on the Samsung’s voice virtual assistant (Bixby) for Spanish. Currently, he is a machine learning engineer in SSR focused on on-device keyword spotting applications.
Javier González Domínguez

Javier Gonzalez, Ph.D Telecommunications and Computer Science (2011) and Ms.C Computer Science (2005), is a R&D director, professor and researcher. He has been part of Google Research (New York, U.S.A), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Audias-lab, Madrid, Spain), IE (Madrid, Spain), Telefónica Digital (Madrid, Spain), EVO (Madrid, Spain), TNO (Utretch, The Netherlands) and QUT (Brisbane, Australia). His major expertise and interest fields are: digital transformation, machine learning and deep learning. He has a number of Peer reviewed journals, conference publications and holds industrial patents. During his career he has been recipient of several awards such as the Google Best Thesis award (2010), Microsoft best student paper (2009) and several fellowships. In 2014 was chosen for the Visiting Faculty Google program (25 academics all over the world). His paper “A Real-Time End-to-End Multilingual Speech Recognition Architecture” was among the Top-25 dowloaded papers in IEEE Signal Processing (2018).
Beltrán Labrador Serrano

Beltrán Labrador obtained the Telecommunication Engineering Degree in 2017 and the Master of Telecommunication Engineering in 2019 from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Since 2018 he has been working within the Audias UAM research group, where he is actually pursuing his PhD Thesis on speech processing and unsupervised learning under the supervision of Alicia Lozano Diez and Joaquín González. In 2019, he joined the BUT Speech Group (Brno, Czech Republic), for a four months research internship. Later in 2022 he was selected in a competitive process for an internship in Google in their offices in New York, where he joined a research team on speech technologies.
Ignacio López-Moreno

Ignacio Lopez-Moreno is a Staff Software Engineer at Google leading the efforts around Keyword Spotting, Speaker and Language recognition. Ignacio completed his bachelor, master and PhD titles under the supervision of Joaquin Gonzalez in the Audias research lab under the topics of speaker recognition, language recognition and NIST technology evaluations.
Juan Maroñas Molano

Juan Maroñas is a PhD student in Machine learning, jointly working with the PRHLT group at Universitat Politécnica de Valencia and the AUDIAS group at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid under the supervision of Daniel Ramos. His main interests are probabilistic machine learning (Bayesian Neural networks, Gaussian Processes, and hierarchical Bayesian Models) and Deep Generative Models. He has been visiting the Aimage Lab in the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy, and the Alan Turing Institute in the United Kingdom. Juan is currently involved in collaborations with the University of Warwick and Cambridge University in the United Kingdom.
David Martín-Gutiérrez

David Martín-Gutiérrez was born in Madrid, Spain in 1993. He received the bachelor’s degree in Audio-visual System Engineering from Carlos III University in 2016 and the master’s degree in Signal Processing and Machine Learning from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 2019. He is currently pursuing his PhD thesis on Multimodal Feature learning for Signal Processing under the supervision of both Alicia Lozano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Alberto Belmonte (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Between 2017-2020, he worked as both research and data scientist at the Visual Telecommunications Applications research Group developing Artificial Intelligent algorithms related to multimedia content in several national and EU projects. He is currently working as researcher at AIMS API in different Music Information Retrieval (MIR) topics.
Ram Prasad

Ram Prasad received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science and Telecommunication Engineering from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, and pursued his postdoctoral research work at Dublin City University, Ireland. His doctoral and postdoctoral research works were funded by the prestigious European Commission’s Marie Curie Fellowship. He was also a visiting researcher at University of Twente, Netherlands and University of Halmstad, Sweden. He graduated with MSc in Computer Science from Chennai Mathematical Institute, India. His expertise is in the areas of classical machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, biometrics, software developments and algorithm design. He is the founder and director of VisionCog Research and Development Private Limited, India and manages commercial R&D works in the domain of computer vision and biometrics.
Ruifang Wang

Ruifang Wang received her MSc degree in Computer Application Technology as a joint master from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA, China) and Harbin University of Science and Technology(China) in 2010, and her Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in 2013. She joined the Biometric Recognition Group – ATVS (former name where AUDIAS group was included) at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in 2010 with focus on forensic palmprint/fingerprint recognition and forensic evidence calibration. Her Ph.D research was supported by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship (BBfor2 project from FP7). After graduation, she applied forensic science to public safety research as assistant researcher and project manager at Institute of Public Safety Research (IPSR), Tsinghua University and its commercialization center Beijing Global Safety Technology in China. Since 2016, she pursued an industrial career focused on computer vision, machine learning and data science. Currently, she leads the perception R&D team at Sense Photonics in San Francisco, USA. There she specializes in 3D sensing and imaging with LIDAR and camera data.
Rubén Zazo Candil

Ruben Zazo received the MSc in Electrical Engineering in 2014 from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Since 2012, he started his research career that led him to obtain in 2018 a PhD in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering focused in Machine Learning with special emphasis in Deep Learning. In 2015 he was selected in a competitive process for an internship at Google Inc. in their headquarters in Mountain View, California, where he joined a research team on speech technologies. Later in 2016 he did a second internship at MIT Lincoln Lab and Johns Hopkins University where he continued researching on recurrent neural networks. In 2017 Ruben interned with the Alexa Team at Amazon working on the MultiModal Machine Learning team. Ruben is currently involved in teaching, team leading and developing Deep Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM), big data, and other state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques. His interests are multi-disciplinary including Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Patern Recognition, Robotics or Electronics.
(In alphabetical order)
Adrián García Cantalapiedra

Adrián García Cantalapiedra completed his undergraduate studies in Telecommunication Technology and Service Engineering at Universidad Autónoma in 2015, and in 2017 he received MSc in Electrical Engineering from the same university. In September 2015, she joined the AUDIAS, Data Intelligence and Speech, research group at Escuela Politecnica Superior, where he collaborated as a research assistant on various topics such as the analysis of speech signals, and especially, the treatment of signals from industrial sensors, developing algorithms focused on the location of events. Since December 2017, he has been working for Gamco developing predictive models whose objective is to offer different solutions depending on the characteristics and needs of each client.
Luis Miguel Martínez Antolín

Luis Miguel Martínez Antolín obtained the Telecommunication Engineering Degree in 2018 and the Masters of Telecommunication Engineering and ICT Research and Innovation in 2020 from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). He obtained a collaborative grant from AUDIAS while doing his two master’s degree thesis, based on forced aligners and speech corpus construction.
Alberto Montero

Alberto Montero holds a Telecommunications Engineering degree by UPM. As a PhD student, he focused on language recognition, cooperating both with UPM and UAM. PhD drop out. Currently, he is the Support Manager in Liferay Spain. On his spare time he continues working on speech research.
Verónica Peña García

Veronica Peña is a M.Sc. Telecommunications Engineer by UAM and Master in Project Management by EAE (ranked#1). She has 10+ years of professional experience in world-class organizations such as Google, where she holds a position as Enterprise Account Manager, IBM, The Blue Book or Thales. She has passion for new technologies learning, analysis and application. She has excellent project management skills and strong team leadership. Fluent in English and Spanish; she has lived and worked in several different countries during her life, such as Spain, Finland, Italy, Australia and the United States of America.